Your Ip Address: from United States Country Flag United States [ Not in Public Proxy List  or You surfing behind Anonymous Server] 
HTTP_X_FORWARDED (typical proxy variable data): (none)  HTTP_VIA (typical proxy variable data): (none)  Proxy_Connection (typical proxy variable data): (none)  Connection: (none)  Language: (none)
Accept: */*  Referer:  Server Protocol: HTTP/1.1  Encoding: gzip, br, zstd, deflate  Character: (none)  Port: 61799  Request method: GET Browser: Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
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Just for "testing" and counting purposes we use Active - X, Java script, Java so that every visitor can evaluate just how good his or her online privacy is at the moment! Free anonymous proxy list are updated daily inside forum and several time per month on the main site.

We try to provide you a really working, tested and alive servers from our weekly update proxy list. All our proxy servers are manually tested and free. Usually with ProxyRama, AAtools or Charon.

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Below are some example from our guides collections (textual, pictorial and video) that could be find inside forum. It will be updated from time till time with the new guides and other useful info.By pictorial tutorials you can find:

  1. Proxy Chaining using Sockschain (IE and IRC chained)
  2. Socksify your appz using SocksCap
  3. AATools analyzing networks/ports guide
  4. AIS (angry ip scanner)analyzing networks/ports guide
  5. PeerGuardian
I hope that you'll find it useful. Join our discussion board to find more guides as well as daily update of socks and proxy list and diverse discussion regarding Your privacy, security and anonymity!

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FAQ -- How to / proxies-socks

Can you tell me if is legal to use open proxies for surfing?
In fact you shall ask administrator of proxy server for using it but if we look at Us law Fraud and related activity in connection with computers then we can see that it applies only when the user has knowingly accessed a computer without authorization or has knowingly exceeded his authorized access on that computer.

Open proxies are open and public and allow connection from anywhere in the world. We can assume that the fact that the proxy owner has setup proxy server and made it technically possible for everybody without restricting access to that service, it indicates that that is what he wanted in the first place. Because open http proxy servers allows connections and use of the service by anyone in the world, the proxy's administrator has essentially "authorized" everyone to use the service. The reasons behind it may be very different, and in many cases there are no long-term plans behind a public proxy.

The situation is very similar with any websites! You don't need to ask permission for yahoo to connect. If http proxy server is open, allow connection and don't ask you for any password it means it is public and open proxy server. Many commercial company (as NetConceal Anonymizer, v7soft with hideip, inetprivacy with a4proxy, steganos with Internet Anonym Pro, ufasoft with sockschain etc..) provide authomatic and daily update of open proxy server in their commercial programs. If proxy start asking you for password stop using them because it is not anymore open public accessible server and it is illegal to gain access to a system without authorization! Never abuse any open proxy servers for illegal purpouse.

What are honeypots?
A honeypot is an information system resource whose value lies in unauthorized or illicit use of that resource. Full article Honeypots

What are the best ways to scan for proxys, or get working lists (proxynator way) ?
For scanning (hunting) open proxies server you can use many tools but wel know are: ProxyHunter (for hunting and validating open server.You need to socksifity it to prevent potential complains to your ISP) Superscan (testing server open port.You need to socksifity it to prevent potential complains to your ISP) AATOOLS (testing server open port and possibility to move server with open port to proxy analyze tools-all in one.You can run TCP scanning behind socks.) AIS (Angry IP Scanner - please referer to the pictorial tutorial to learn how to use AIS) For socks i would like to recommend Superscan.Then you can clean Superscan list with Charon. To find socks just simple look at the last socks list and choose one adress.So if you choose socks e.g. type in Superscan start adress and end adress and under scan type check "Only scan reponsive ping" . Allports from" 1080 to 1080" or "all selected ports in the list" (if you have self decide which ports must be scanned in "port list setup"). Then click "Prune" to remove any IP addresses that have no open ports shown and save it. TO find HTTPproxies use Proxy Hunter. We have ProxyHunter tutorial ProxyHunter For leeching proxies referer to our Charon tutorial for dummny

What is the right way, to verify the results?
Test bad and timeout proxies several times.At least 5 time (AAtools, ProxyChecker and Charon have option to retest it several times). .

How to use a socks5 proxy, which works good with winmx or irc, in my ie6. ? ( i tried serveral possibilitys, but no chance)
Open IE - Tools - Internet options - Connection - LAN settings (tick field by Proxy server) - Advanced - type just socks adress under Socks. Keep all other fields empty. Or simple run socksified IE through Sockscap or Freecap.

I don't know what is the best anonymous proxy, level 1 or level 5 ?
Level 1 but i think that primary question here what you understand under truley anonymous proxy. Difference between proxy level 1 or 2 and the other proxies is that proxies level 1,2 are indistinguishable from a browser and the other proxies spills more and more variables. For every day surfing i'm satisfied with any kind of level (1,2,3,4,5).For me the most important thing is of the proxy spills my really ip or not.Proxy level does not matter if proxy not spills my real ip. BUt if you do illegal things on the web(hack) then everyone from us must to know that using of anonymous proxies with mp,a4 proxy,sockschain...can't hide who you are.You will never be 100% anonymous no matter what you do online so it is possible that you still can be tracked.Anonymous proxy and chaining makes it only hard to track someone. For more information regarding this problematic referer to: Anonomyous and detailed level explanation

I want to scan for some irc proxy - How?
It is easy to download IRC proxy checker:(check under section proxy tools) Import last proxy list, define IRC server and time and scan for working proxies.And remember that you must try to find proxies on other ports than : 23 , 1080 (socks) ,80 - 81 , 3128 , 8080 ,8081. Because almost all IRC server scan now for proxy with ports above.

Any other IRC checker.I have problem with IRC proxy checker?
Yes.You can use AAtools, Charon, ProxyChecker or any other tools but you must specify IRC server for testing you proxy server against it. I hope that this help you if still have problem with running IRC proxy checker.

I leeched large list of proxies but how i can't prevent next time to import same bad/timeout proxies again?
AAtools have a very useful function if you test large list of proxies (more than 10000).It's call exclusion list.After you have 4-5 time retested your bad and timeout proxies just click right mouse and chose "add to exclusion list". Next time if you import large test to testing all those proxies in exclusion list will not be imported. You can do it same things with Charon.

How long does it take to find e.g 100 socks with a 100 kb/s connection ? How do i actually do it in AA-Tools ?
Depend of timeout (by me is 5) and how large list is of your socks. I don't use last version of AAtools for socks testing because of problem (they are busy to fix it) but old version 5.12 works fine. If you use new version here are 6 ways for how do it:

1) you should decide on which port you will test a socks proxy server. Let's say it will be the port 25.

2) you need any SMTP server which you can find in the SMTP column in the Email Verifier (of course, you have to load a few email addresses and start the Email Verifier to find the SMTP servers). For example, there is the SMTP

3) go back to the Proxy Analyzer and enter the SMTP server in the 'Host for connecting' field and specify the port - 25.

4) click the Test (or connection) button. In the window below you will see the result: the string beginning from 220 means that this SMTP server is working and can be used to check proxies.

5) check the appropriate checkbox (or all of them) depending on what protocol support (Socks 4 or 5) you want to check your proxy server for.

6) click OK and then click the 'Start Scanning' button on the Proxy Analyzer Toolbar.

Are there any anonymous servers i could use for the mail thingy wich i seem to need?
Check under proxy tools. If your mail client support socks then you can easily use socks. HOw to test socks for 25 has been explained above.

How do i test irc socks in AAtools?
Ope AAT and then go to the configuration and enter this adress or any other IRC server adress under setting-socks: port 6667

I have a4 proxy and i want to export proxies but how?
Check proxy section of the site (in mean time newest version of a4proxy have integrated function to export proxies)

How i can test really speed of proxys?
Use Charon, a4proxy or AATools!! Option in a4 is "Check Url".Select all proxies put the in field or or whatever and go.After a4 finished just click on speed and you'll get fast proxy. With AAtools use next trick: 1. Go to the General Settings in the Proxy Analyzer. 2. Fill in the Script URL field with any web page with size ~10kb. 3. Fill in the 'Control String' field with any word from this web page. 4. Click OK. 5. Go to the Main Window of the Proxy Analyzer and type 1 in the Threads field. 6. Start the Proxy Analyzer. Note: you cannot use this method to check proxies for anonymity. By the Charon you have 2 seperated columns ping and speed to get better impression of fast proxy socks server.

Are IRC proxies only proxies for IRC?
--------------------------------- Nope.IRC proxies are actualy proxies that support connect method. All IRC proxies you can use to connect anonymously to the ftp servers,ICQ.... The HTTP CONNECT method is used to tunnel non-HTTP protocols through an HTTP proxy. HTTP proxies typically use the CONNECT method to allow users to access HTTPS sites in explicit proxy mode. If you use AAtools don't waste your time to check again all working proxies with IRC proxy checker to find IRC proxies. Just check which proxies in AAtools are ftp supporting (connect proxies) and all ftp proxies are automaticaly IRC proxies.

I have been told that an HTTP CONNECT non-anonymous proxy, when used to connect to SMTP or IRC is anonymous? When used as a CONNECT METHOD proxy to a non HTTP services, there supposedly is no spill of my IP. Is that true?
----------------------------------------- The fields of the HTTP request which are used by non-anonymous proxies to report your IP address (HTTP_Client_IP and HTTP_Forwarded_For_IP) simply do not exist in the Connect mode. So any proxy used in Connect mode is anonymous by definition.

I am using a proxy, when I check my proxy (in proxy judge) show other IP (not mine, not proxy). its good ?? or its can be dangerous ?? (Admin: Gateway explanation)
The reason that you did not see your ip and not ip of proxy that you've usedis gateway (Ip router). Gateways connects (points) to the other proxy that finally is showed as ip that you use by ProxyJudge. It can happend that 10 or 20 "different" proxy point to the same proxy and the results of checkingin proxy judge is same proxy. In fact you don't use/have 20 proxies but just one that probably will be killed very soon. BY AATools Distorted variable stand for Gateways! Many other tools (Proxyrama, AccessDiver etc.) have option call Gateways for identify this kind of proxies. A4 proxy didn't have it but very oft HTTP_Forwarded identify proxies by a4 are as the gateways ! If you search for anonymously proxy then is not reason do not use gateways. Just 2 notes! If you use rotation of proxies on your tool with the gateways that points to the same ip you in fact don't rotate proxy but use all time one proxy! If you use gateways then it looks like you are browsing the web without using any proxy server

What is transparent and what are elite proxies...what do they do?
Transparent proxies are non-anonymous proxies- spill your IP (of course if you use them for tunneling then is not problem). The proxy send info(variables) to the remote computer-server. So HTTP anon (level 3-5) send variables that server can identificate that you use proxy ( i.e HTTP_VIA,HTTP_FORWARDED,HTTP_CONNECTION etc).Some sites of forumhave installed script to detect this kind of proxies and do not allow you access. ELite proxy ( level 1 and 2) do not send variables and server think that you do not use any proxy. Variables:
  1. HTTP_VIA - parameter tells the web server that you are accessing it via a proxy server. The information contained in it tells the website something about the proxy itself,not about your machine.
  2. HTTP_FORWARDED - Shows the proxy address and port through which the request was made.
  3. HTTP_USER_AGENT_VIA - This is similar to the previous. In some cases this variable shows via what proxy the request was made.
  4. HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL ; HTTP_CACHE_INFO - The presence of either of these two variables can also tell the website that you are accessing it via a proxy. These variables contain information about the cache of the proxy server.
  5. HTTP_CONNECTION: Close - in most cases, connection type "close" demonstrates that a proxy server is being used (browsers use connection type "Keep-Alive")

Why i only see http servers(80,8080 and such) proxies that are clasefied as anon and socks there is no clasifing like that. are all socks anon or something like that? How do i know if the socks proxy forwards or not my real ip? What the difference between http and socks that makes socks good for mirc and such programs but not http?
Answer almost same as on the question about non-anonymous proxy used in connect method.Check it above. Not any information about client is sent to the server so the socks is always anonymous and there is not needed to clasicify level of socks. In fact socksdon't know anything about the data it transmits. Some members has been reported sometimes exception by some socks but generaly spoken socks is always anonymous and should never forward your real ip. Answer on the last question is that not every proxy support connect method (http tunneling).And it is not case with socks. You must test you proxies to see of they support connect method and if they do you can use it for fpt, IRC etc. The best tool in my opinion for testing proxy for tunneling (connect) is Advanced Administrative Tools.

Is it possible to be hide your IP on java annymous chat?
Yep.Just socksify your IE or input socks direct into IE.To test of your ip is really hidden try first java test on main site of ProxyBlind.Second java test (via javascript) should show your IP adress but do not care.If first test do not show your real ip adress you will be anonymous on JavaChat.

When proxy act as socks and what kind of proxies can be used for FTP, IRC etc.?
There is method call connect method and with proxy that support connect method you shall be able to connect to ftp,IRC etc because he act in same way as socks. And you donīt need to care about all proxies [non-anonymous(with other words and non-anonymous are anonymous when are used in connect method) and anonymous] when you use proxies that support connect method. All proxies with 3 star by AAT are proxies that support tunneling (connect method/ FTP proxies). Spilling your IP when you use connect method proxies is not possible because variable HTTP_Client_IP and HTTP_Forwarded_For_IP simply do not exist in the Connect mode. It does not matter of you use non-anonymous or anonymous proxy. For both is same as described above. Proxy act same as the socks and you can be sure that he do not spill your IP.

And SSL proxies are HTTP connect ? or not ?
There is very oft misunderstanding about SSL and connect method proxies (tunneling).Connect method are SSL proxies and they will allow for 100% chaining and can be used for ftp, irc etcetc....

I'm facing a strange problem with my PCv7 (proxychecker v7) ... I don't know why... It shows a msg and I have to close the program... Without finishing my test!
Click option-testing and try to experiment with checking-unchecking 2 fields under Resolution

AAtools does not works.Testing of proxy give all times Error: Internal server error.
Then is probably problem with their env scripts located on their server: They do not host anymore analyzing script on their own server. You must find by yourself azenv, env or proxyjudge script. Referer to our forum to find latest hosted script.

Can anyone help me with any tip or hint on how to configure AA. Tools socks' area to check uncommon port proxies?
Open AAtools and go to proxy analyzer and then simple chose socks. You cna then load or paste socks list inside that area.

What and how variables can be changed in A4Proxy?
Go to browser option of a4proxy.By Field variable type
Accept - field onder replace with what you want.Then repeat same steps with Referer, Accept-Language, Accept-Encoding, User-Agent, Proxy-Connection (always type Keep-Alive), Pragma.

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