Proxy Servers: Free Proxy List & Proxies - Anonymous Proxy

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Proxy Servers: Free Proxy List | Proxies | Anonymous Proxy Forum Index
Rules (17 Sep 2006)
These are the rules for the Proxyblind forums. Failure to follow these rules might result in a warning or being banned from this board forever.
  1. Proxy/Socks List format and rules
  2. Groups privilege and responsibility
  3. Code of Conduct
  4. Board Language
  5. Board Administration
  6. Things that will get you banned in a hurry
  7. Sanctions
  8. Disputes
  9. Content
  10. Disclaimer
1. Proxy/Socks List format and rules

1.1. Only post proxies/socks in the following format: proxy:port i.e:
1.2. Validate your lists before posting. Remove duplicates and non-working proxies. State which tools that you used for testing your list. Lists with 50% (or more) non-working servers will be trashed. Offenders will receive a warning.
1.3. Do not never simple copy your list from another board!!! You can collect (leech) list from another board or site but always test it before posting and state the tools used.
1.4. Lists with proxies that support the HTTP and FTP connect method (SSl/HTTPS proxies) will be moved to the HTTP CONNECT( SSL&HTTPS) / Socks IRC proxy servers area. Lists with socks proxy server will be moved to the Socks list area and lists with socks proxy server that works on IRC Networks will be moved to the HTTP CONNECT( SSL&HTTPS) / Socks IRC proxy servers area even if the poster does not have access to this forum.
1.5. Separate socks by protocol (4/4A/5) and specify the protocol in your post. You can mix socks on common and uncommon ports in the same list. Just be sure to mention program used for testing. Don't split lists based on protocol or location. For example, it is not allowed to post a list with socks 4 servers and another list with socks 5 servers. It is not allowed to post a list with proxies from Asia and another list with proxies from US, etc.
1.6. Separate anonymous from non-anonymous proxies. Do not mix anon with non-anon servers.
1.7. When posting lists, use the attachment function. Do not post your list directly on the board.
1.8. These list of public and open servers could be useful for system administrators. It is very common for a novice administrator to set up a proxy with access rights that allows anyone to connect. If you are system administrators and you find that your proxy socks server were mistakenly left open then let us know and it will be removed.
2.0. The main purpouse of listed proxy server is:
  • to help system administrators to find his own server that were mistakenly left open
  • to help webmaster who would to deny purchases through open proxies on their site
  • and to help people who would to hide their ip address and surf anonymously.
All these open and free proxy list are provided for information purposes only. Use them at your own risk. Many of them are picked from public sources and commercial software as Steganos, a4proxy (Inteprivacy), Sockschain (Ufasoft), Hideip etc... You need to ask the proxy server owner for permission to use any of these servers!
Do not abuse open proxy servers!!! Do not use never any open and public available servers for illegal or malicious activities!!!
ProxyBlind will not be responsible for any damages that may occur when using these open proxy-s.

2. Groups privilege and responsibility

All groups members have access to all posted proxy socks server list. You can easily access groups by showing us your activity or by donating to the board. All members who belong to group on activity basis are responsible for their own activity.If you visit board and do not post anything for a long period (2 months) you will be kicked out from the group.

3. Code of Conduct

All members are expected to show respect for their fellow members. Be considerate of other members views and opinions. Flaming (openly bashing another member) will not be tolerated. The golden rule is "Don't do onto others what you don't want to be done onto you".

4. Board Language

The board's language is English. All post have to be made in English. Other languages are only allowed when accompanied by an English translation. There is a translation feature implemented on this board. In your profile, you have an option called "translations language". Set this to the preferred language. This will enable a button in the top right corner of all posts that allows you to translate the post from English to the language you specified.

5. Board Administration

Moderators and administrators are here to help you should you encounter a problem or need help using a feature. Please understand that they are VOLUNTEERS and not employees, thus they are donating their time and will do what they can to help when they can. If you have a problem or a grievance, you can post a message in the appropriate forum or send a private message (PM) to a Mod/Admin. Moderators and Administrators also police the forums and make sure that all members obey the rules. All posts that are in violation with the rules as they are stated on this page will be removed.

6. Things that will get you banned in a hurry

6.1 Spamming
Thou shall not spam. Spam stands for "Stupid Pointless Annoying Message". No posting the same lists twice or more, no replying to every topic with "Thank You" or useless messages, no double posting news articles, no opening new topics on subjects that already have a topic open. Use the Search function before you create a new topic to verify that there isn't a similar topic open already.
6.2 Flooding
Thou shall not flood the forums. No posting an excessive amount of new topics or replies in a short period of time.
6.3 Flaming
Thou shall not flame fellow members. No openly bashing fellow members, no insulting fellow members. If you have a problem with another member, deal with it in a civilized way. We do not tolerate hateful or racist comments. This includes jokes in the Fun area.
6.4 Illegal content
Thou shall not promote the use of illegal material. Do not post porn, warez, hacks, cracks or links to sites with that content. Do not sollicit illegal activities. Do not violate any copyright laws.
6.5 Excessive Profanity
Thou shall not curse or swear. If you can't express yourself in a civilized manner, leave. Typing in CAPS is considered rude, so please don't do it.
6.6 Identity Theft & Advertisement
Posing as another user, attempting to cause problems for another user by registering an account with a name similar to theirs, advertisment another site (or any other link to the site&forum that could be consider as unwanted, competitors site&forum ) by posting on forum or in your avatar or signature (without reciprocal linking) or using images in your avatar or signature that would lead a person to believe you were someone else, or deliberately hacking their account will not be tolerated. You will be banned and your name and IP address will be logged in the event further action is required.
6.7 Piggybacking
Don't hijack topics. No asking off subject questions in another member's topic, no making off subject remarks to derail the discussion. If you have a question on a different matter, look for a topic on the subject or create a new topic.
6.8 Multiple accounts
You are allowed to create ONE account on this board. Members who are found to have multiple accounts, may get their accounts locked. Abusing the board's features by using multiple accounts will earn you a lifetime ban.
6.9 Leeching
You are not allowed to use any so called proxy leeching tool to leech proxy from this site. We have advanced anti-leeching script to protect user hardly work and time spend on collecting and posting their proxy socks server list. Abusing this rule will earn you a lifetime ban.

7. Sanctions

Anyone who breaks the rules of this board will be given a orally warning. Members who receive repeatedly warnings for same mistake will be banned from the board. In some cases, members who blatantly violate the rules of this board can be banned immediately, without having reached a couple warnings. This decision is made by the moderators and administrators and is FINAL.

8. Disputes

Moderators and Administrators have the final say on anything. If you feel that you have been treated unfairly, you can contact a moderator or administrator by PM. Do not open a new topic in the forums to incite discussion on the matter. We are not perfect and if you feel that we have made a mistake, please privately contact a staff member and we will review the situation. We reserve the right to edit or remove any content without warning.

9. Content

The author reserves the right not to be responsible for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect,will therefore be rejected. All offers are not-binding and without obligation. Parts of the pages or the complete publication including all offers and information might be extended, changed or partly or completely deleted by the author without separate announcement.
All content is granted to with perpetual electronic publishing rights because any content posted on this community becomes a part of the community, even if you no longer are. You may request an item to be removed at any time, but we will decide when and if to remove content from our community. If you wish to no longer be identified with our community, we will be glad to close your account and alter your account information to remove all identifying characteristics, including your profile, signature and username

If your question isn't answered here, please consult the FAQ or the tutorials.

The materials in this site are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind either express or implied. The author is not liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any other damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use of software, doocuments and information available from this server. The use of published postal addresses, telephone or fax numbers and email addresses for marketing purposes is prohibited, offenders sending unwanted spam messages will be punished. The usage of this site constitutes the acceptance of these terms and conditions.
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